
See what clients are saying.

As a client of Jenna’s, I can personally attest to her program!!! My migraines have significantly decreased, and she found a natural way to treat them that ACTUALLY WORKS!!! And no side effects. I am sleeping better, and my energy has increased. Hormones, cortisol, metabolic wellness, food intolerances, adrenals, gut issues, yeast, parasites, thyroid… Her customized approach is truly effective in reducing with your specific issues. She works tirelessly to meet your goals. She explained these complicated processes in a way that I could understand and empowered me with the ability to transform my health. I can’t recommend her enough.

Amy Mahar

Before working with Jenna, I had concerns regarding my health: adult acne, bloating, digestion/bowel movements, mood, anxiety… I didn’t feel 100%.

I’m so grateful that I decided to start the journey to invest in my health because so many questions were answered. I knew it wasn’t all in my head!

It hasn’t been as easy journey changing habits, etc. But I don’t wake up every morning with unexplained anxiety anymore. I don’t deal with the 3pm energy crash. My body is functioning so much better because of the foods I am eating. I don’t deal with mood swings.

And after diet changes, reduced inflammation in my body, and open detox pathways, I saw a positive pregnancy test for the first time, after trying to conceive for a year!

Thank you Jenna for being patient with me, and always being there to answer my questions, and helping me walk through this journey.

Violeta Saavedra

My own transformation from bloated and self-conscious…

to empowered and confident. Finally able to wear crop tops again!

Jenna makes me feel seen, heard, and supported. she has a wonderful way of simplifying concepts to keep them on my level and is always asking insightful questions to dig deeper into my health history and hurdles.

She brings so much knowledge with a passion for helping others make positive change. Her support and guidance has been invaluable in my healing journey.

Jenna Piche

"Before working with Jenna, I was on a journey of healing alone. I was prescribed medication to maintain disease issues. Deep down, I felt the need to learn more about my body from the inside- out! To pinpoint the issue and correct or reverse it, which my local physician was NOT doing or providing. I kept getting the run around, and more prescription refills. With each refill, I felt like I was harming my body even more that the actual issue! Praying for guidance, I came across Jenna's program and decided to take a leap of faith and get some functional lab tests done.

It was a big game changer because I got the real results of how my body was functioning on the inside. Learning what foods cause the most inflammation in my body and how my gut was really doing... Learning a lot more new information, gave me a better understanding of my overall health. I would like to thank Jenna for listening and teaching me what she knows to improve my health. All can say is: love Thyself enough to get some Functional lab tests done!!!! It will only benefit you in the long run!"

Alicia Sanchez

~To empower others to take charge of their health will always be my mission.


"Jenna's program helped me reduce cholesterol and glucose levels so significantly that my doctor asked what I was doing because it's working." I went from pre-diabetic to normal glucose levels specifically from following Jenna's advice.

Jenna's nutritional suggestions are rooted in her vast knowledge of physiology and nutrition; her practical, customized approach enabled me to gradually make the dietary changes needed. I'm so thankful! Progress motivates and knowing I have sound advice and support has truly inspired me!"

Sara G.


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